Final Photographs

I've not overly edited my photos as I didn't want them to look feac, even though the whole concept is unrealistic. What I was trying to achieve in my photos was the idea of a home like seen that the viewer could relate to, but with a uneasy feel to it. I want it to look like somebodies just walk out of framed and that the viewer could just walk in. 

 I used Photoshop and iPhoto to change the pictures in a very sutle way, I adjusted the brilliance, exposure, highlight, shadow, brightness and contrast. To try and link it back to still life painting, I flip the images, so the light was coming from the left. 

I took photos from a fear and close up, I tried to take pictures of the still life's up close so that the woods were less visible.  I homed in on the focus point of the photos like the bed, dressing table and tea cup. 

 When setting up my photos, I tried to think of what I wanted the viewer to see.  For the photo of the dressing table, I added dirty cotton wool pads and lift some of my clothes lying around, so that the still life felt in use. to break the line of the edge of the table, I put my eyeshadow palette and bra over the edge. 

I used candles as they gave me a different light, and would allow me to use a low exposure. I only lit one candle as I wanted to show life and death.

Looking back at my final photos, I would say that I am quite happy with how they've turned out. At the start of this unit I was going to do self-portraits, which in a way I have. I've tried to make them personal to me, through what I put in them. I've used the belongings from my room, some of which came from my grandparents.    

I've moved away from the traditional since of a still life, making some of them room sized. Still life's are usually of small objects the are taking for granted. I've used objects that mean something to me, but are still household items that most people have.   

I think that I would have liked to do more table photos, as some of the room sized ones feel a bit lost in the woods. It was really hard knowing what the photos would look like, as the woods are a wee walk from the house, I had to take everything I want to use up in one go. 

I didn't overly edit the photos as I wanted them to look as it does in real life. How ever some of the photos are just too dark, I did brighing some of them with photoshop. 


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