Lillian Schwartz

Lillian Schwartz 

Moving to art after a career in nursing, under a World War II program. She found the work very restriction and intense, she started making work out of what she had to hand at the medical base.

In 1966 Schwartz really started to become more well know,  she became a member of the Experiments in Art and Technology group.  The E.A.T launched in 1967 and was made up from engineers and artists, Bily Klüver and Fred Waldhauer and the artists Rodert Rauschenberg and Robert Whitman.  As a group they focused on new technology and how that could be put into art. The 9 Evenings; theatre and engineering, this was a series of different performances. The pieces were part of a collaboration of artist and engineers, which went on to make the E.A.T. 

Schwartz made her move to technological art work in 1966 with her light boxes. Her work feels alive like it has it's own space, where some peoples work can be still and static.  

Her video work has a space like atmosphere, with planet shaped orbs moving back and forth across the screen. The sounds that she puts in the video are familiar, there's sounds of pots and pans hitting together and other homemade sound. This gives the films a surreal atmosphere.  


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