Rachal Whiteread

Rachal Whiteread 

I looked at her art work before when working on my mixed media unit. As I'm looking into casting  more closely for CAP, I'm using her as a starting point. I'm interested in the making process and the build-up that goes into it.  

Making Process: Whiteread has a background in painting at Brighton Polytechnic. She uses painting as away of getting out her ideas on paper. Looking at her painting/drawings you can see how she plans out her work. They are very clean and precise, whit a graphic feel to them. She makes some of them out of collage, which I find really interesting as she using imagery to create the image in her head.   
Materials: She uses a broad range of materials to make her casts, plaster, wax, wood, latex, concrete, resin, rubber and metal. 

Subject: Her casts have a homely feel to them mainly because they are casts of house hold objects,but also because they're things that we've all had and maybe not really noticed.  Theyre the cast of negative space around the object 

Display Space:
The way that her work is shown also adds to the feel of it, her bigger pieces like her buildings are outside. I like that she put her work back into the land and where it came from, see these concrete shells of buildings out in the country side. Her inside pieces also take over a space, seeing any of her pieces in the flesh would I think trigger an emotion in someone. 

Hot water bottle. 

Twenty Four Switches.

looking at her drawing you can really see how she thinks out her ideas. I like how she uses different materials to make sketches of her ideas, through college and tippex.  

Holocaust Monument (2000)


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