Tegan Duffy : paper portfolio

Tegan Duffy : paper portfolio

Fashion and textiles 

Tegan was applying for fashion and textiles, which I didn't really pick up on from looking at her portfolio. She showed one of her strongest pieces at the start of her portfolio; the piece was of painted umbrellas, this was the only thing that was textile based. She had used photography to show her work in her and created patterns using photoshop. She had arranged the photos of her umbrellas on whiteboards and had the images in different sizes. She put her two strongest pieces of work at the front and the back of the book,  this is so that the portfolio would leave a good impression on the interviewers.  The layout she'd used is one that most students use for putting a portfolio together, which is where you have a coloured piece displayed beside a black-and-white piece giving a contrast making them stand out from each other. She showed a wide range of techniques from photography, printmaking,  life drawing, collage and textiles.  
Having drawings of the same thing side-by-side shows your progress and the changes you've made to improve it. 


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